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Unity Cafes

We are now in our 6th year of hosting gatherings called "Unity Cafes" - and YOU are invited! To help us connect to ideas and to each other, we will explore themes as listed below. Coffee & refreshments will be served.

Connecting through Energy - Tai Chi

25 October (2024)

Presented by Tony Orosa

Teacher, Practioner of Tai Chi


Exploring Learning
31 May (2024)
Presented by Saba Vejdani, Teacher/Educator & Ayr resident

23 February (2024)
Presented by Jaellayna Palmer, Group Facilitator & Ayr resident

Travel & Service
22 September (2023)
Presented by Barbara Melara, St. George resident & world traveler

Bonfire / Social
09 June (2023)
Cancelled due to weather

Connecting through Mindfulness
31 March (2023)
Presented by Mahsa Sadeghi, Clinical Psychology at University of Waterloo

Connecting through Artistic Journaling
20 January (2023)
Presented by Debra Vincze, Artist & Teacher

Connecting through Community Theatre
21 October (2022)
Presented by Diana Barber, Founder Ayr Community Theatre

Connecting through Leisure
21 June (2022)
Presented by Karen Winter, Director of Leisure and Community Services

Connecting through Justice Pt. 2
26 March (2021)
Presented via Zoom
Sherna Deamer (San Rafael, California)

Connecting through Justice Pt. 1
26 March (2021)
Presented via Zoom
Spiritual Justice (Rolando Aguilera)
Racial Justice (Jordan Bighorn)
Environmental Justice (Jaellayna Palmer)

Keeping Up During The Pandemic
15 January (2021)
Presented via Zoom
Nature Photography through the Seasons (Anne Loeffler)
Insights from Working from Home (Adib Ahrari)
Keeping Fit & Motivated (Steve Thomas)
International Volunteerism (Barbara Melara)

Connecting through Art & Culture
May 15 (2020)
Presented by a Local Artist (a special "surprise" guest)
Cancelled due to Pandemic

Connecting through Fun
February 28 (2020)
Celebrate Naw Ruz ("new year") with music, games & fun

Connecting through Movement (Martial Arts)
January 17 (2020)
Rahmat Costas

Connecting through Yoga & Meditation
November 29 (2019)
Presented by Angela Bryson

Connecting throught Service
September 20 (2019)
Featuring local youth who have made service & volunteerism a part of their life

Connecting through Dialogue: Highlights from Parliament of the World's Religions
June 21 (2019)
Jaellayna Palmer
NOTE: Ayr Firehall at 7:30 rather than usual time/place

Connecting through Nature
May 17 (2019)
Steve Fleischauer
Photos by Daniel Entz

Connecting through Fasting (Natural Healing)
March 15 (2019)
Ward Hazen, D.C.

Connecting through Storytelling
January 18 (2019)
Jaellayna Palmer

Connecting through Yoga & Meditation
November 16 (2018)
Presented by Angela Bryson

Connecting throught Music
September 21 (2018)
Featuring Kim Mandar and the Vestures (musical trio)

For more information: unitycafe.ayr@gmail.com

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