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Greetings from the Baha'is of North Dumfries

The Baha'i Faith is an independent world religion. Founded in 1844, it has been present in Canada since 1898.

Baha'is all around the world participate in activities such as:

Multi-Faith Devotional Gatherings
The schedule and venue for these vary.

Children and Youth Programs
Offered for all ages, classes and activities emphasize applying spiritual principles to everyday life and developing virtues.

Study Classes
Informal study groups are usually held in community members' homes. Please join us and let us know what YOU would like to study, too.

Service Projects
  • Our "adopt-a-highway" is now in its 22nd year.
  • We have donated fitness equipment for North Dumfries' first outdoor fitness circuit. For more information about this including the larger project it was part of, click here.
  • We have designed, created, and as of 22 June 2024 officially donated to North Dumfries Township - in honour of Ayr's 200th birthday - a special hopscotch area. Here is a photo with brief explanation about the three areas of play. click here.

Every 19 days we gather as a community for worship, community consultation, and socializing.

Holy Days
Special gatherings commemorate events in the history of the Faith and are open to all.

Please contact us for upcoming schedule or for more information.

Local contact: Events.AyrON@gmail.com
PO Box 1083, Ayr, Ontario N0B 1E0, Canada

National contact: Canadian National Centre

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