Thoughts Along the Path . . .


Here’s a question for you: Do you think of yourself as a “teacher” or a “learner”? Or maybe a better question is: Which do you prefer to do, teach or learn? And then a related question might be: How do you like to learn?

Whatever might be your answer to these questions, you probably recognize that they aren’t as simple as they may seem. The phase “You teach best what you most need to learn” pretty much sums it up for me. I first read that phrase in the book “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach – a bestseller back in its day. I have always liked it because it suggests that (1) if I care enough about something to want to teach or share it then I’m open to learning more about it and (2) my learning might come from someone who is either more or less informed than me. As a result of this process, we are on a learning journey together.

In academic or historical terms, the practice of learning through teaching goes back to Socrates and his famed method of asking questions. Maybe that’s why I like asking questions. I am not always the expert though I may be the one who is facilitating the experience.

Teaching and learning through questions, exploration, and creativity are among the ideas to be presented by Ayr resident Saba Vejdani at the next Unity Café. Saba has lived in Ayr since 1999 when he was just a small child. His education and career path are beyond the scope of this short column, but I will mention that he now works as a science and math teacher at Southwood Secondary (High) School in Cambridge. With his lifetime interest in both teaching and learning, he is eager to discuss various tools for sharing and collecting information. Through a series of hands-on activities and a guided discussion, we will learn how to support a wide range of learners, too.

When I asked Saba about his plans for this event, much of what he told me is summarized above. He also said that most of the time will be dedicated to a challenge which we will try to solve during our evening together.

So how about it? Would you like to try your hand at both teaching and learning in a different way, to expand your skill for doing both, and have some fun while you’re at it? If so, please consider attending the next Unity Café hosted by the Baha’is of North Dumfries on Friday 31 May at 7:30pm. As usual, we will gather at the North Dumfries Community Complex on Greenfield Road. Following the activities organized by Saba, we will have plenty of time to enjoy refreshments while getting better acquainted. All are welcome. For more information: .




Submitted to Ayr News by Jaellayna Palmer, May 2024

© Jaellayna Palmer